Liquid Descent White Water Rafting Intermediate Run
Re-posting this from my other blog a few years back.
Steve and I have talked about white water rafting for years. It's something I've wanted to try since I was fifteen. So it seemed like something fun, new, and exciting to do for our Anniversary.

We celebrated twelve years with a BIG SPLASH! The girls went to grandma's leaving us free to do something not quite so kid friendly.

We celebrated twelve years with a BIG SPLASH! The girls went to grandma's leaving us free to do something not quite so kid friendly.
They told us exactly what to do, so even when we broadsided a huge rock, we knew exactly what to do. WE DIDN'T EVEN FLIP THE BOAT!

Rowing was tough to synchronize at first, but Lee out trusty guide shouted out "forward one--forward two etc."

but I'd go again in a heart beat.

Thank's for a great ride Liquid Descent.